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Gizmoplans Releases New Metal Fabrication Construction Plans for Building a …

Gizmoplans, a leader in DIY projects, is enlarging their concrete projects section with the addition of its new cement silo construction plans. This frees a company from searching for a cement silo for sale because with the detailed plans that are offered, they can build what they want, regardless of whether they are a ready-mix plant or a mobile concrete plant.

Duluth, MN (PRWEB) April 24, 2012

Gizmoplans has added a new set of construction plans for the purpose of building a cement silo – storage silo to store cement or dry materials. With the release of the newest plans from the DIY site, companies have the ability to save money and time. Instead of looking for a storage silo to purchase, companies now can simply build their own.

Whether a company runs a ready-mix plant or operates a mobile concrete plant where cement is mixed at the construction site, it will find that with the detailed plans Gizmoplans offers, they can build their own 225 barrel silo for storing cement. Many times a company is thinking of purchasing a cement silo for sale, not realizing that they can simply build their own, saving them time and money. Companies can also have the silo built for them using a local fabrication outlet, which still saves them money and time.

The plans can be purchased directly through Gizmoplans’ website and immediately down-loaded, giving companies the ability to start construction immediately. The silo plans contain specifications for a 225 barrel capacity, top railing and manhole, vibrators – 4 air pad, inside ladder, 4” filler pipe, pressure blow-off valve, and a 150 ft. area dust house.

Included in the new cement silo plans are:

  • Shop layout drawings
  • Color photos
  • Complete bill of materials with stock steel parts
  • Individual piece part drawings
  • Sheet metal layout drawings
  • Can be used for Cement or any other Dry Storage needs
  • Complete list of purchased parts and suppliers with telephone numbers

Once the business has the detailed plans for building a storage silo, they can have as many silos built as they need. This gives companies the ability to expand their storage capacity as they grow, eliminating the hassle of having to find a cement silo for sale each time they need more space. Furthermore, Gizmoplans offers engineer support throughout the entire construction process so if companies have concerns or questions, help is only a phone call or an e-mail away. The plans are offered with a 100% no risk guarantee, giving cement companies, and other customers, further peace of mind. For more information about these plans and other cement-related plans, visit their website at

About Gizmoplans

Gizmoplans is an online informational website that provides businesses and individuals with downloadable DIY solutions. These plans can be used to build projects for recreation, hobbies, recycling, industry, woodcrafts, metal fabrication, alternative energy and much more. Gizmoplans is also a hub for businesses and individuals to upload and sell their own plans, patterns, how-to ebooks and more. This online marketplace can benefit both the purchaser and the seller in the DIY community. To get more information on DIY plans and DIY projects, visit Gizmoplan’s website at

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